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WCA January 07, 2025 Meeting


WCA Board

  • Heather McAllen

  • Jim Foley

  • Vince Cassara

  • Nick Lutzio


Contractor Presentation

  • Elizabeth (Beth) Booker – TRAX International Vice President and Contract Program Manager


Upcoming Meetings

  • WCA Meeting February TBD Date

  • Contractor Presentation - Brian Hughes: Relative Dynamics



Heather McAllen: 

  • Quick opening for the meeting. Heather held WCA discussion for later so we could jump right into the Contractor Spotlight Presentation.  Heather introduced Elizabeth Booker for TRAX International.

Elizabeth Booker:

  • Spotlight presentation to share TRAX International with the WCA

  • TRAX Specializes in Test and Evaluation, IT and Engineering and Logistics.

  • GSFC Contract is Goddard Logistics Services Contracts (GLSC).  Other contracts presented were DoD Contracts showcasing TRAX T&E capabilities.

No Government Representation at the January meeting

Heather McAllen Announcement:

  • The scholarship drive for UMES and ESCC was completed and we raised $15K this year.  Thanks to KBR, Peraton, Northrup Grumman, and McCallie for your donations. 

  • We will hold another scholarship fundraiser in the Spring and a possible target institution is Salisbury State University.

  • W are looking for volunteers for Contractor presentations in March.  This would be a spotlight presentation to share your company with the WCA.  Please contact Heather if you are interested.  Brian Hughes will share Relative Dynamics in February.

  • Guest Speakers - 2025

    • Jim Schaeffer or ESCC Representative

    • WEMA – Rebecca Hudson

    • NASA Code 620 David Wolff

  • Please share ideas with us on how we can highlight Wallops and share the incredible work we are doing with the community and get more of our young professionals interested. 

  • Beth Booker mentioned Pressure Vessel Systems and how NASA is managing this in the future.  Several contractors were interested in being part of a meeting on this topic or possibly a lunch and learn.  The POC mentioned was Julie ???? Did not get the last name.

  • Brian Hughes mentioned that a good person to talk to as a possible presenter was Toni Lord from NOAA.  She manages the Wallops Command & Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS).  He forwarded contact information to Heather.

  •  Vince mentioned setting up a table in the Wallops cafeteria again to have a New Year Lunch event spotlighting WCA to raise awareness among the employee community.  He will use some of the current materials we already gathered from the first time we did this. 

Running Actions (new actions in green):

  1. Board Members provide picture and bio to Heather for the website

  2. Update the by-laws to make sure we are incorporating our new initiatives

  3. Determine presentations for next month

  4. Begin WCA branding initiative across Wallops

  5. Heather to begin 501c3 efforts

    1. Nick to discuss efforts with Lee Rizzo on non-profit

    2. Nick to discuss how to set up a non-profit with either MSBR or Maryland Aerospace Alliance leaders

  6. Members provide Heather with fundraising ideas

  7. Members to provide letter to their leadership for approval to donate to the scholarship fund

  8. Line up the 2025 presentations from both contractors and Civil Servants.

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